About Me
Alex Garrao is a dedicated entrepreneur with a heart to serve his family, community, employees and anyone need of a helping hand.
Over the last decade he has been able to start and scale his businesses to become self sufficient by hiring the right people to properly delegate and use technology to automate a lot of his policies and procedures.
He learned that the less dependent the company is on him, the more valuable it will be.
This will allow him to focus on upper level Managemnt to continue to scale the businesses and have more freedom to do his mission work of building schools and orphanages all over the world.

Speak about my rough journey and how I became a young entrepreneur by having multiple multi million dollar businesses.
The invention of the TOLP Virtual Reality experience tool. We are working with a Franchise attorney to finalize our Franchise agreement documents. Our goal is to create TOLP Franchises throughout the country.
I currently own 2 Adult Day Care and Healthy Activity centers for Seniors. One is located in Leesburg, FL and one is in Tampa. My business partner in this owns 3 other locations in Miami. We are working with a Franchise attorney to finalize our Franchise agreement documents. Our goal is to create ADC Franchises throughout the country.
An adult daycare center is typically a non-residential facility that supports the health, nutritional, social, and daily living needs of Seniors in a professionally staffed, group setting. They are designed to provide care and companionship for older adults who need assistance or supervision during the day. (Monday- Friday 8 am – 4 pm) We will pick them up in our bus every morning and take them back home in the evenings.
E-commerce stores selling items on amazon and Facebook in order to have an additional recurring passive income.
Become the expert matter authority. I would like to Host seminars-Create mastermind groups-Create different ways to disrupt industries. Share my lifestyle and behind the scenes of my day to day.
One of the industries I would like to disrupt is the Business of Adoption. It is so expensive and so complicated to be able to adopt and I will change this so average, loving families will have the opportunity to adopt children that will flourish in a good family environment. #MakeAdoptionsAccessible
I have a HUGE goal to Build Schools and orphanages all over the world that are able to become self sufficient by using the Toxic Charity concept by Robert D. Lupton. The idea is to Create and fund Micro loans in the communities we serve and teach them core principles in Math, economics, business, customer service and how to market themselves to grow and become self sufficient. Create school programs in agriculture/farming, mechanics, carpentry, construction, retail, accounting, computer coding, engineering, medical to name a few.
We have started by supporting local organizations in order to make an impact in our local community first.
We are looking to partner with global organizations to donate a % from our Social Media Revenue and our existing Multiple businesses revenue to these projects. Some of these organizations help bring clean water in areas where there is none. Help fund organizations to fight the human trafficking problem we are having.
A huge part of our Mission is to be focused all on spreading the Love and Gospel of The Father. Our Lord Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit.
This is what drives me and what keeps me fired up because I have found my purpose and I am living it day by day.
You are probably reading this and are like wow, this guy has so much ambition but how is he going to accomplish all of this….and your right, I know I can’t do it alone so my goal is to structure key leaders that will join each movement that I want to revolutionize and make them the key figure to run with a supporting cast. Together we can make a BIG impact to THE WORLD we live in!
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